Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 3 8/30/09 - Exploring

First Sunday on campus. Felt weird not to be behind a sound board all morning, but i managed to cope. Besides, I'll have much nicer sound boards to run in a year or two. Can anyone say SSL?

So, I'm writing this a day late because I just wasn't feeling up to it last night. None the less I will write now. I can't miss a day or I'm a failure. Now then, lets see what I can remember.

Nothing much really happened. I was still on my post K.U. concert high so the morning was pretty much dominated by reminiscing. I finally made it to one of the 'Cafeterias' on campus. It was surprisingly good, though all I had was pizza. I also spent a little time wandering around the area and learning roads and all that. When I returned to the dorm Dustin, room mate, and I went out on girl patrol. Fail. However, we later met a guy down the hall and went on the same mission again. I learned one thing from these ventures. If I want to meet a girl, a nice girl, I can't go 'searching' with them. Why you ask? Well because I am pretty sure their not exactly looking for a relationship. They are still cool guys though. I mean if I'm going to meet someone, its just going to happen, I don't need to go perusing the options.

Anyway, thats probably the most personal I've gotten on here so far. Feels kind of weird. Moving on. That's really about it for yesterday. Though we did make a few other friends outside our hall, and joined the 'stoop crew'. Yeah, I don't know. It's just hanging out on the stoop in front of our hall. Then I watched Rocknrolla and some CTFxC and went to bed. Now I'm sitting here in Starbucks typing this.

Farewell Interwebs.


Listening: some really cool jazzy blues stuff in Starbucks, I like it
Radiohead -In Rainbows

Reading: The History Of Middle Earth: Part 1 -J.R.R. Tolkien

Watching: Rocknrolla (Guy Ritchie)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 2 8/29/09 - Keith Urban Concert!

Oh, where to begin. Lets start from the beginning shall we? Okay!

(To consolidate this entry I'm just going to briefly go over a few things)

So I slept like a baby last night. A poster fell on me in the middle of the night and i didn't even notice until I woke up and it was on top of me. Ha! Anyway, the morning was fairly uneventful. Finally met my room mate. Seems like a pretty cool guy as far as I can tell. Though at the moment his music is grating on my nerves. Just not in the mood for hip-hop right now. Anyway, I met my family, minus Jake of course, for breakfast/lunch at Mimi's Cafe. Fail. It was no good.

Moving on, I said goodbye to my parents, where my mother just about broke down into tears. It was endearing though. Then went and saw D. Sauls' room which is unfairly double in size to mine. But oh well, mine makes up for it with personality.

Now for the best part. Keith Urban Escape Together Tour at the Sommet Center in Nashville. Holy ...., it was utterly amazing!

  1. Nashville is an awesome city, and Broadway is like a street in my version of Heaven
  2. Sugarland opened. To say the least they played 3 songs that are about leaving home and living away from home. It was only then that I realized that I would actually miss my family and home. Yes, I randomly start to sob. It was just like all of a sudden and I was like wow, deep down I really love home.
  3. Keith Urban cheered me right up. The show was just that. An epic unbeatable show. Sweet and unexpected opening though with 'Hit The Ground Runnin'. His guitar work gave me chills, especially at the end of 'Till Summer Comes Around'. He added an epically amazing, building guitar solo. That just left me speechless and sent shivers running up my spine.
  4. I am honestly pretty much speechless about the whole thing, it was hard to figure out what to post here because there is just so much!
So there ya go. I tried to make that as short as possible. Success?

Either way here are some pics from the concert and my dorm room.

Friday, August 28, 2009

8/28/09 - Day 1

Hello Internet. Today I moved into my dorm. Exciting right? Well yes, and no. It was exciting in the way that its new and I'm going to be living here for the next 5 years, maybe more if I like the area and find a job here. The only downside to it was that move in day didn't go as well as I would like. I would trouble you with the details, but there aren't many of you. Hopefully I will have more readers further into the blog. I mean I'm going to be writing everyday for 4-5 years, and eventually making videos regularly.

Anyway, I got my room pretty much entirely put together; still have a few posters to put up and that kind of thing. The best part of moving in and setting up was that my room mate won't move in until tomorrow. So, I was able to set up the way I wanted to and organize the room in the way that best suited my living. Hence, my room looks awesome. I will upload some pictures of it later when I take them.

So that's my entry for today. I know its short, but I'm trying to keep it that way for a while. Tomorrow's entry may not be up until really late because I am going to the Keith Urban concert in Nashville. So bear with me. It will be up eventually and be quite interesting hopefully.


Listening: Some cool Arabic music
Thrice -Beggars
Marc Broussard -Keep Coming Back
Watching: The Boondock Saints

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer Wrap Up

So summer is ending. In 1 day I will finally move into my dorm at Middle Tennessee State University. In celebration of this great event, I would like to take a look back on the summer. Primarily the movies and music I enjoyed all summer long.

The following are movies I saw in theaters between May and August. I have rated them on a scale from 1-10. A 1=Fail, 5=Fair, and 10=Fanfreakingtastic (Masterpiece). Only 1 movie I have seen has merited a 10, that being The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy.

X Men Origins: Wolverine - 7

Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian - 3.5

UP - 6...5.5 for the 3D being pointless

Land Of The Lost - 6.5

The Hangover - 8

The Taking Of Pelham 123 - 4

Year One - 7

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 5

Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs - 7

Public Enemies - 7.5

The Proposal - 7...7.5 the second time around

Drag Me To Hell - 3

State Of Play - 6

Star Trek - 8.5

My Sister's Keeper - 7

I Love You, Beth Cooper - 4

The Ugly Truth - 8.5

Funny People - 6

District 9 - 9

The Goods - 7

The Inglorious Bastards - 8.5

The Perfect Getaway - 6

The Time Traveler's Wife - 7

Post Grad - 5

Here are some of the CD's I purchased this summer, and ratings on the same scale as the movies.

Anjulie -Anjulie - 5

Brad Paisley -American Saturday Night - 5.5

Elvis Costello -Secret, Profane, and Sugarcane - 7

High Tide Blues (Live show at Seaside Amphitheater) - 8

Killswitch Engage -Killswitch Engage - 9

Placebo -Battle For The Sun - 8

Silversun Pickups -Swoon - 6.5

Thrice -Beggars - 9.5

AFI -Medicate Single - 5

So all in all the summer was pretty good. Lots of good times, plenty of good music and movies, and tons of free time. If I could change a few things about it, I would have had a job (I did try, but no one would hire me for just a summer), not worked at Grace, and gone to school sooner. Also, I probably would have done things a bit different with my relationships. Only a few though. A lot of people I lost touch with for good reasons and I'm really glad I got out of those when I did, but some things I did were just stupid, one thing I can think of specifically. I'm not going to go into that here right now though. Anyway, aside from these last 2-3 weeks of summer I've had a great time, and these last weeks I've just been bored because everyone else was already at school.

So that is my summer wrap up. I will post a lot more often once I get to school. Hopefully at least a short post every day, maybe more videos! Though I really need to get a Flip for that.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mac down...Almost

Ok, so today was quite eventful, or tonight was anyway. I went to Sportsline Bar & Grill for open jam night, or whatever the hell its called and almost lost/destroyed my new macbook pro. How did I do this you ask? Well, I was leaving the bar and filming stuff for this blog. So naturally my hands are full so I put my macbook on top of my car to unlock it. Totally forgot I put it there because I was so focused on the stupid camera. I drove a few miles, realized I didnt have it and drove back. Searched the entire parking lot and surrounding streets, on foot mind you, I must have looked like a moron, but yeah, walked back to my car, almost in tears to find it lodged under one of the rack things on the top of my car. Yes, terrifying. It was very very terrifying. So here is the video I was taking while I forgot it. You can see it briefly resting on top of the car and me continuing to go on about life w/out it...damn.

on a lighter note, check out this video of my spazo dogs failing to spaz for me...its decently humorous though

Monday, August 10, 2009

Rolling A Big Fat One

So high school kids went back to school today, and like a loser I went back too. BUT! before you judge me, it was just to see Crockett, the best teacher I ever had, and to give him some coffee. Yes, it felt rather odd walking back into a high school, but hey, we've all got to show our favorite teachers our love and appreciation, right?

On another note, this is one of the worst things college student can see:

Why do I have to drive a suburban? Any money I make goes straight into the bottomless fuel pit.
Note: If your going to college get a honda, not a suburban.



So last night I went to see the new movie "
Julie&Julia." How was it? Well it wasn't bad, but it was far too long and drawn out. It seemed like a way to tell Julia Child's story, but if you want to tell her story just tell it and don't throw in a set of characters that bores the viewer. Yes, it is based on a book written by Julie Powell, the character that I thought the movie could do without, but I honestly believe it would have been a better movie if it was just on Julia Child. The sections about her were far more interesting, entertaining, and even funny at times.
Production wise, the movie had nothing special. A typical more intelligent flick, but sometimes the transitions between stories were unclear and poorly done.


The latest two albums I purchased were: Anjulie -Anjulie and The Foundation -Zac Brown Band.
Preference? Of course. I prefer Zac Brown Band, maybe because I'm more of a country fan then a pop fan.

The Foundation is good home grown country music with an awesome opener, Toes, "I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand, not a worry in the world, a cold beer in my hand." I think it may also be one of the first country songs I've heard with a reference to marijuana: "Gonna lay in the hot sun and roll a big fat one." Of course this album also includes their hit singles: "Chicken Fried" and "Whatever It Is"

Anjulie is a unique style of pop, or so i thought from the opener 'Boom' but with a further, but brief, listen it seems to be your ordinary pop album.

Oh, by the way. If anyone has any ideas for ways to make my videos more entertaining, which they should get more so when I finally move in to MTSU, please feel free to comment them below or tell me via Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, or Email.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Summer Movies & Killswitch Engage

-Just a side note: I meant to say it was the best metal album since BMTH not rock.

Also check out my links on the side of my blog for my Music Myspace page, Twitter, and Facebook.


Listening: Killswitch Engage -Killswitch Engage
Identity Crisis -Thrice
Lover's Requiem -I Am Ghost

Films: American History X
Funny People

Reading: The Children Of Hurin -Tolkien
A Voice In The Wind -Rivers

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Intro/Test Post

Yes. You heard it, right from my very lips. I will try to update daily with some sort of post. not always a video, but I am going to try to do as many of those as I can. Anyway, sorry the audio on the video was hard to hear, its after 1 in the morning so I gotta be quiet-er. Also, not only will this blog be about my college life, but also my personal opinion on recent movies, music, and books; as well as updates on my musical projects I have going on.

Another thing about the videos, I am going to try to get some other form of camera so not every video will be behind my mac, and they should prove to be more interesting.

Listening: Beggars -Thrice
Reading: How Starbucks Saved My Life -Michael Gates Gill

Watched: Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Check out my music here
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